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Oasis HLB SPE method development using the 20 bottle approach

This advanced method offers an end-to-end solution developed around an advanced application, a specialized kit, or an analytical system. It delivers complete functional, ready-to-use protocols that are qualitatively and quantitatively assessed for consistency, executability, and repeatability, usually without needing to make any changes. It operates per batch size and is scalable to accommodate changing requirements.
Bioanalysis, or the analysis of drugs and their metabolites from biological fluids, is used in support of pharmaceutical drug discovery, development, and research. SPE is often used in bioanalytical/DMPK laboratories as a sample preparation technique to improve extraction recoveries, obtain cleaner samples as well as to concentrate samples without the need for evaporation (which may cause sample loss).
The critical steps of the SPE workflow that can be optimized include the wash and elution solvent composition. The Oasis HLB care & use manual (715000109EN) provides a starting protocol that provides reasonable recoveries for a diversity of analytes. Additionally, it also describes an elegant SPE experimental design (Figure 2) which allows scientists to optimize the composition of the wash and elution solutions in a single experiment, thereby simplifying Oasis HLB method optimization.
Figure 1: Visual representation of Oasis HLB 20 bottle method optimization approach from care and use manual
The 20-bottle SPE method optimization approach describes an elegant experimental design that varies the pH and the organic content of the elution solution to determine which condition provides the best probability of eluting the compound of interest from the sorbent bed. The elution solvent composition varies from 0-100% organic (generally methanol) with either 2% ammonium hydroxide or 2% formic acid. The acidic or basic nature of the elution solvent helps alter the pH, whereas the organic content helps dissociate analytes from the sorbent bed and improve solubility.
Additionally, because this experimental approach provides an elution profile for the analytes at different concentrations of organic solvent, the same data can also be used to determine the highest % organic that can be used as a wash solvent which will eliminate unwanted matrix components without losing any analyte from the SPE sorbent, further enhancing method selectivity. The final experiment for SPE method development usually involves testing the optimized wash and elution solvents to extract analytes spiked in the matrix of interest to determine recovery and matrix effects.
Assay notes
Figure 2: OneLab Protocol Visualization
Figure 3: Andrew+ OneLab deck set up for the Oasis HLB SPE method optimization using the 20 bottle method. Samples and reagents locations on Andrew+ deck: [1-4] Tips Insertion System Domino, [5] Extraction+, [6] Storage Plate domino, [7] Conical Microtube Domino, [8] 50 mL Centrifuge Tube Domino, [9-11] 8-Channel Reservoir Domino
Protocol specifications
Oasis HLB 20 Bottle Method Optimization:
- Estimated time of execution: 4h 31m 15s
- Hands-on time: 1m (last step before analysis)
- Tip consumption:
- 52 x 5-120 μL tips
- 120 x 10-300 μL tips
- 23 x 50-1000 µL tips
Ordering information
Andrew+ System Components: Dominos, Devices, Electronic Pipettes & Tips
- Andrew+ Pipetting Robot
- OneLab software
- 4x Tip Insertion System Domino | p/n 186009612
- Extraction+ Base Kit with Plate Gripper | p/n 176005201
- Storage Plate Domino | p/n 186009596
- Microtube Domino | p/n 186009601
- 50mL Conical Centrifuge Tube Domino | p/n 186009614
- 2x 8-Channel Pipette Reservoir Domino | p/n 186009613
- Andrew Alliance Bluetooth Electronic Pipette, 1-ch 120 µL | p/n 186009765
- Andrew Alliance Bluetooth Electronic Pipette, 1-ch 1000 µL | p/n 186009766
- Andrew Alliance Bluetooth Electronic Pipette, 8-ch 300 µL | p/n 186009607
- 2× Pipette Adaptor Single Channel | p/n 186009590
- 1× Pipette Adaptor Multi-Channel | p/n 186009591
Recommended consumables
- Oasis HLB 96-well µElution Plate, 2 mg Sorbent per Well, 30 µm | p/n 186001828BA
- 96-well Sample Collection plate, 700 µL Round well | p/n 186005837
- Polypropylene Cap Mat Round Well for 96-well Plate | p/n 186002483
- INTEGRA 10 mL multichannel reservoir | p/n 4332
- Falcon® 50 mL conical centrifuge tube | p/n 352070
- Fisherbrand™ Premium 1.5 mL microtube | p/n 11926955
- Waters Care & Use Manual 715000109EN - Oasis HLB Cartridges and 96-Well Plates (https://www.waters.com/webassets/cms/support/docs/715000109.pdf)

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